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The Blog.
I post bi-weekly about writing, editing, teaching, and travel.

May 25, 20233 min read
Music as Writing
What is writing, anyway? A way to communicate, sure. But to communicate what? According to Webster's Dictionary, to communicate means...

May 21, 20235 min read
Why I Am a Teacher
The campus center at the University of Tennessee. In talking with a friend the other day, I realized I've never described the courses I...

May 18, 20234 min read
Galata Tower
My guide and I parted ways after visiting the Galata Mevlevi House Musuem—she to see her mother-in-law, and I to check out Galata Tower. ...

May 14, 20233 min read
Rumi's Whirling Dervishes
“Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation.” ― Rumi A trip to Istanbul is incomplete without mention of the 13th...

May 11, 20232 min read
Mead's Quarry
It's finals week, and I have quite a few papers to grade before I sleep, so tonight I just wanted to share a few photos (and a little...

May 4, 20233 min read
Across the Sea of Marmara
Say Istanbul and a seagull comes to mind Half silver and half foam, half fish and half bird. — Rahmi Eyuboglu, Turkish painter and poet...

Apr 30, 20233 min read
Fener and Balat
After visiting the Patriarchate of Constantinople, my guide and I wandered around two of the oldest neighborhoods in Istanbul, Fener and...

Apr 27, 20231 min read
For What It's Worth
It's a busy week, and I don't have time for a full post today. I included this image in last week's newsletter, but I like it enough to...

Apr 23, 20233 min read
The Patriarchate of Constantinople
My third and final day in Istanbul started with a visit to the Patriarchate of Constantinople, or the Patriarchal Church of St. George,...

Apr 20, 20232 min read
The Turkish "Evil Eye"
In addition to the amazing food in Turkey (more on that later), one of the first things I noticed in Istanbul were the Turkish Evil Eye...

Apr 16, 20234 min read
The Wisdom Line
This post is a little different than my recent ones. In it, I share the misadventures of my second full day in Istanbul. I didn't take...
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